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The Whisperers’ Way is a highly effective approach to working with both people and animals using broad knowledge and integrative problem-solving. Anyone who wants to help, heal and train—parents, animal owners, teachers, trainers, therapists, social workers, doctors, veterinarians— will all find it useful.
One needs to understand and embrace the Three Pillars of Whispering:
- Heart: Personality traits and values found in all Whisperers, including a deep sense of empathy and compassion.
- Knowledge: Information learned through study and observation, specifically on 1) the learning process 2) the body-mind connection 3) relationship dynamics
- Wisdom: When and when not to use certain techniques learned through experience and practice.
Whisperers also develop excellent communication skills. Their holographic/holistic approach to evaluating the individuals they work with allows them to fine tune their technique to work with every individual’s constraints. They are willing to take risks, learn from others and share their knowledge. Their deep understanding allows Whisperers to safely and effectively use controversial techniques and equipment that have the potential for physical or emotional damage. St. Francis of Assisi epitomizes their collective spirit.
Dr. Sue Chan studied the works of Whisperers from different fields: Linda Tellington-Jones (T-Touch), horse whisperers Tom Dorrance and Frank Bell, livestock whisperer Bud Williams, child whisperer Dr. Karyn Purvis, dog whisperer Barbara Woodhead, and too many others to name. Dr. Chan incorporates knowledge about how the brain processes information, what factors affect perception and responses, and how interpersonal dynamics come into play. The Polyvagal Theory by Dr. Stephen Porges was key in developing her Threshold Concept, which useful in both training and healing. Recent research on the metabolism of nutrients and hormones, neurophysiology and hypnosis bring even deeper insights. This understanding will help you make decisions at key points and safely develop your own skills with riskier methods. Her problem-solving strategy works for challenging problems in behavior, medicine and home repairs.
The Whisperers’ Way was developed and tested throughout her 30 year career as a veterinarian and 16 years as director of CETA Foundation at Phoenix Ranch, the home and sanctuary to the animals pictured on the cover of the flagship book. Dr. Chan makes this complex information easy to understand and apply in her books and articles. Release dates to be announced.
Proceeds from these books support the non-profit mission of CETA Foundation/Phoenix Ranch.
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